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Maucher Jenkins has built a team of outstanding professionals, recognised experts in intellectual property law, science and technology, working across multiple industry sectors and legal jurisdictions.

Dr. Ulrike Kaufmann (née Zorr)

Senior Associate - Attorney-at-Law

Certified Specialist in Intellectual Property Law
Attorney at Law

Law, Albert Ludwigs University; Doctorate in Patent Law, Institute of Commercial Law, Labour Law and Social Law, Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg




Dr. Ulrike Kaufmann advises clients in all areas of intellectual property law. Her main focus is on legal issues relating to the enforcement of intellectual property rights, in particular patents, utility models and trademarks. Another focus of her work is competition law.


Dr. Ulrike Kaufmann represents her clients in patent, utility model and trademark infringement proceedings as well as in unfair competition proceedings. In cooperation with her colleagues working abroad, she also assists her clients in infringement proceedings abroad.


In addition, her advisory services regularly include the drafting and negotiation of license agreements, research and development agreements and cooperation agreements.


Dr. Ulrike Kaufmann studied law at the Albert-Ludwigs-University in Freiburg, specialising in intellectual property law. After completing her studies, she worked as a research associate at the Institute for Commercial Law, Labour Law and Social Law, Dept. 4: Intellectual Property Law of Prof. dr. Maximilian Haedicke in Freiburg. She did her doctorate there in the field of patent law and Second Medical Use patents. Dr. Ulrike Kaufmann completed parts of her legal training with an international law firm in the field of patent litigation in Mannheim and London.


Since 2021, Dr. Ulrike Kaufmann has been a lecturer in competition law at the Albert Ludwig University in Freiburg.


Furthermore Dr. Ulrike Kaufmann is a lecturer at the Verwaltungs- und Wirtschaftsakademie (VWA) in Freiburg in the field of civil law.


She has been part of our Freiburg team since October 2019.


Ulrike has been  ranked by Managing Intellectual Property as a Rising Star for 2023 and 2024. 


   MIP Rising Star 2023





2023: UK High Court Decides on Infringement of EPC 2000 Claims Based on German Patent Law, GRUR International, Volume 72, Issue 2, February 2023, Pages 143–146 (together with Dr. Edward Rainsford).


2022: Comment on OLG Hamburg-Decision, dated December 23, 2021 – 3 U 7/21 - überlegene Flüssigkeitsreduktion: Irreführende Bewerbung eines Arzneimittels zur Behandlung einer Netzhauterkrankung, GRUR-Prax 2022, 248. 


2021: Comment on Federal Supreme Court (BGH)-Decision, dated November 5, 2020 – I ZR 204/19 – Sinupret, Irreführende Bewerbung von „Sinupret“ als entzündungshemmend und antiviral, GRUR-Prax 2021, 236.


2020: Authorized Generics and Biosimilars as Part of Drug Life Cycle Management, GRUR International, Volume 69, Issue 11, November 2020, Pages 1105–1112 (together with Dr. Manuel Kunst).


2020: Comment on EuGH-Ruling, dated October 8, 2020 – C-602/19, GRUR-Prax 2020, 570.


2020: Aktuelle Entwicklungen rund um den FRAND-Einwand, GRUR-Prax 2020, 73-75 (together with Dr. Michael Nielen).


2019: Pregabalin and Fulvestrant – a comparison of German and English liability regimes of Swiss-type-claims in light of current case law; Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice, 06/2019, Pages 487-493 (together with Dr. Marco Stief).


2019: Pregabalin and Fulvestrant – a comparison of German and English liability regimes of Swiss-type-claims in light of current case law; Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice, 06/2019, Pages 487-493 (together with Dr. Marco Stief).


2019: Zwischen Pregabalin und Fulvestrant – Ein Vergleich des deutschen und englischen Haftungsregimes bei Swiss-type-claims anlässlich aktueller Rechtsprechung, GRUR 2019, 260-264 (together with Dr. Marco Stief).


2018: Second medical use zwischen swiss-type-claim, skinny label und cross-label-use, GRUR Newsletter 01/2018.


2018: Der Schutzbereich von Patenten auf eine zweite medizinische Indikation im Falle eines cross-label-use, Eine rechtsvergleichende Analyse unter Begutachtung der deutschen, englischen und niederländischen Rechtsprechung (Dissertation), Carl Heymans Verlag.


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