Maucher Jenkins has built a team of outstanding professionals, recognised experts in intellectual property law, science and technology, working across multiple industry sectors and legal jurisdictions.
Associate - Patents
Engineering & Physics
IT, Software, Electronics & Artificial Intelligence
MedTech & Medical Devices
Consumer Products
Artificial Intelligence
Green Energy
Practice area:
German Patent Attorney
European Patent Attorney
European Trade Mark & Design Attorney
Registered Representative before the Unified Patent Court
PhD in Physics, École polytechnique and Düsseldorf University; Diploma in Physics, Jena University
Thomas joined Maucher Jenkins' Munich office in 2019. In February 2023, he successfully qualified as a German Patent Attorney.
After studying physics in Jena (Germany) and Grenoble (France), including work at the Commissariat à l’énergie atomique (Grenoble), Thomas graduated with a diploma from Friedrich Schiller University Jena in 2013. Working in fundamental research, he graduated in 2017 with a joint PhD degree from Heinrich Heine University (Düsseldorf, Germany), and École polytechnique / Paris-Saclay University (Palaiseau, France) and continued his scientific career as a postdoctoral researcher.
Thomas has experience in areas of physics and engineering. During his university studies, he investigated semiconductor materials for infrared detection. He also developed, simulated, and characterised supersonic gas jets.
Later on, Thomas specialised in the field of laser-plasma interactions and worked with high-power laser systems and other optical setups. His research was concerned with laser-based ion acceleration, which offers prospects for medical applications, and plasma-based laser pulse amplification.