Maucher Jenkins has built a team of outstanding professionals, recognised experts in intellectual property law, science and technology, working across multiple industry sectors and legal jurisdictions.
Senior Associate - Patents
MedTech & Medical Devices
Life Sciences
Chemistry & Pharmaceuticals
Consumer Products
Practice areas:
Design Protection
IP Strategy
German Patent Attorney
European Patent Attorney
Representative before the European Plant Variety Office
Registered Representative before the Unified Patent Court
PhD in Physiological Chemistry, University of Düsseldorf; Diploma in Biochemistry, University of Tübingen
Manuel has worked at Maucher Jenkins as a patent attorney since 2000. He takes care of international and national clients in relation to applications for patents, utility models, designs and trademarks, and in relation to the worldwide prosecution of grant and registration proceedings, opposition and appeal proceedings (primarily in Germany and before the European Patent Office) and nullity and infringement proceedings.
As a biochemist, his technical orientation is focused on the fields of chemicals (e.g. films/foils, adhesives, plastics, silicon compounds), pharmaceuticals (e.g. chemical or biotechnological medicaments, formulations, life cycle management), agrochemicals, cosmetics, nutraceuticals, biotechnological products and medical technology products and in neighbouring technical fields. In this context he is able to rely on his extensive IP experience derived from his work in the industry.
Manuel has been a European Patent Attorney since 1994 and a German Patent Attorney since 2002, and thus also a European Trademark & Design Attorney before the Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market, now the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO), and a representative before the European Plant Variety Office.
Directly after obtaining his doctorate in June 1990, he began his career as a patent attorney as an industrial patent attorney in the pharma field, first at Ciba-Geigy AG, then CIBA, then, after the merger with Sandoz, at Novartis Pharma AG. In 1999 he spent three months in Novartis's US patent department. Alongside this, he held the position of president of the Ciba-Geigy AG academics' group and was then vice-president of the Novartis employees' association, of which he himself was a co-founder.
Due to long experience in nearly all fields of Intellectual Property, Manuel can provide sound advice and support in all fields as indicated and also neighboured fields, driven by both experience and curiosity into new developments both regarding IP right and technology. His main experience is focused on the pharmaceutical and chemical sector, but also on medical devices and nutraceuticals.
Authorized Generics and Biosimilars as Part of Drug Life Cycle Management, GRUR International, Volume 69, Issue 11, November 2020, Pages 1105–1112 (together with Dr. Ulrike Kaufmann).
'Humira patent rights shot by "Fujifilm declaration'. Kunst, M. and Strath, J. (2017). European Intellectual Property Review, vol. 39, no. 8, pp. 518-524.
'Das Ergebnis Ihrer Züchterbemühungen – wie kann man es vor Nachahmern schützen?' [The results of your efforts as a grower – how can they be protected against imitators?] Publication on patent, trademark and plant variety protection: in Gb – Das Magazin für Zierpflanzenbau. M. Kunst and H. Börjes-Pestalozza.9/2004.
'Lizenz auf Leben: Motor oder Bremse?' [Licence for life: motor or brake?] in "Laborjournal" (Zeitschrift der Universitäten Freiburg, Heidelberg und Basel) 2, 8. M. Kunst. 1995.
'Patente - Hüter der Verwandlung' [Patents – protectors of transformation] in Hoppe-Seyler's Zeitschrift für Physiologische Chemie 372(11), 6. M. Kunst. 1991.
Various lectures on intellectual property, inter alia at inauguration events and university events.
Manuel is involved with work helping young people and the disabled ( and From 2000 to 2005, he was treasurer of Biovalley Deutschland e.V. and has held a number of key positions in a political party, associations (e.g. president of the board of trustees of a youth centre) and societies.