Maucher Jenkins has built a team of outstanding professionals, recognised experts in intellectual property law, science and technology, working across multiple industry sectors and legal jurisdictions.
Senior Associate - Attorney-at-Law
Attorney at Law
Dr. Julia Berger joined the Maucher Jenkins team in May 2023. The focus of her work is on intellectual property, competition and media law. She advises national and international clients out of court as well as in court in the entire field of intellectual property law with a special focus on trademark rights, advertising measures and marketing concepts.
Through her experience as a lawyer in a law firm specialised in copyright and media law as well as in a Munich boutique law firm specialised in food law, Ms. Berger has expertise in the areas of competition, copyright, media and trademark law, in contract drafting as well as in data protection law. In addition, she gained experience in press and public relations work as an in-house lawyer at the Verbraucherzentrale Bayern e.V. (Bavarian Consumer Center).
Ms. Berger studied law at the Ludwig Maximilian University in Munich with a focus on "Competition Law, Intellectual Property and Media Law" and earned her doctorate in the area of reputation protection under Prof. Dr. Nadine Klass on the question of the necessity of a third-party right to information in the case of infringements of personality rights on the Internet.
2023: A year-long struggle to enable legal enforcement in the event of violations of personality rights on the Internet, note on KG Berlin, Bs. v. 31.10.2022, 10 W 13/20, ZUM-RD 02/2023, 73-77.
2022: The Third-Party Right to Information in the Event of Violations of Personal Rights on the Internet - History and Necessity of an Independent Right to Information, UFITA Series of the Archive for Media Law and Media Studies, Nomos 2022.
2020: "Less rule, more risk?" Food Control: Amendment of the AVV RÜb, DLR 2020, 418-423.
2020: Deal or no Deal - Imminent Difficulty of Food Donations, DLR 2020, 365.
2020: Imminent impediment to food donations, Der Lebensmittelkontrolleur 03/2020, 4-6.
2020: Misleading Corona-related advertising in the food sector, LinkedIn.
2019: The implementation of the package tour line, et al., RRa 3/2019, 98-104.
2018: Digital life of its own - data protection in your own home and in your life, Eigenheimer aktuell 04/2018, 6-10.