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World Trademark Review ranks Maucher Jenkins amongst top trademark firms 2017

Date: 18 January 2017

We are very pleased to report that World Trademark Review (WTR) has recommended Maucher Jenkins amongst the top trademark firms for 2017 and named partner, Kana Enomoto, of particular note.


WTR reference the collaboration of RGC Jenkins and Maucher Börjes Jenkins as a key enabler of the growing strength of our practice:


"RGC Jenkins recently merged with Maucher Börjes Jenkins to create a new pan-European IP player. It looks like a strong one, too – both entities had robust practices in their own right."


Maucher Jenkins Partner, Kana Enomoto, is highlighted as "an experienced trademark attorney with a very international career". "She has worked in France, Germany and Japan – and is fluent in the language of each."


Maucher Jenkins welcomes this recognition and continues to be committed to providing a first class service for clients globally.

See the rankings in full here: 



Wednesday, January 18, 2017
