Date: 13 February 2020
Location: Farnborough, UK
Southern Manufacturing and Electronics is the most comprehensive annual industrial exhibition in the UK. It is a major pan-European showcase for new technology in machinery, production equipment, electronic production and assembly, tooling and components as well as subcontracted services.
The event attracts over 800 UK businesses as exhibitors, representing an impressively wide range of industries.
Maucher Jenkins will be attending, represented by Partner Hugh Dunlop who will be giving a talk entitled 'Intellectual Property 101' focused on giving attendees an insight into the considerations they should give to protecting the intellectual property of their inventions.
The conference will take place 11-13 February 2020 in Farnborough, UK.
Click here to book your spot and join our team there.
Get in touch with our Engineering & Physics team to find out more information on our work in this field.