Home: Maucher Jenkins

Intellectual Property


Patents | Trade Marks | Designs


Online IP Masterclass with SETsquared Surrey

Date: 1 October 2020


This two hour Masterclass will give you an overview of IP and will cover the strategy in light of COVID19.


Maucher Jenkins will be running a Masterclass on IP Strategy with SETSquared on Thursday 1 October. During the Masterclass we will cover topics such as reviewing the IP assets of a business or organisation, time scales for filing applications, IP portfolio management and developing an IP budget, as well as some considerations around IP strategy in view of COVID-19. The session will include a presentation followed by time for questions and answers.


We understand the needs of companies of all sizes, from individuals to small start up companies and entrepreneurs to SMEs and large multi-national companies, and the importance of providing good IP advice to companies to assist in the development and commercialisation of their products. In particular, we have experience of advising start up companies and entrepreneurs as they start their innovation journeys and structure our costs to meet the needs of these companies, understanding the financial constraints that may apply. We also offer an IP audit service to companies which can be useful when speaking to potential investors.


Please register for this free event here: Free Registration via Eventbrite
