Date: 22 March 2019
The UK Intellectual Property Office (UKIPO) has confirmed continued protection of EU registered TMs and designs after Brexit. An equivalent UK registration system has been developed for all registered European Union Trade Marks (EUTMs), Registered Community Designs (RCDs), International Designs and International Trade Marks (EU). This protection has been confirmed regardless of the outcome of the Brexit negotiations and whether the UK leaves with or without a deal.
As the UKIPO outlined in its technical notice on trade marks and EU exit, a comparable UK mark will be created for each registered EUTM. The UKIPO has confirmed that these comparable UK rights will:
In order to identify these comparable trade marks and distinguish them from existing UK registered trade marks, the prefix of “UK009” will be added in front of the last eight digits of the original EUTM.
The UKIPO has provided the following examples to show how comparable UK trade marks will be numbered:
Existing EU Trade Mark |
Comparable UK trade mark |
000000977 | UK00900000977 |
000025197 | UK00900025197 |
000340513 | UK00900340513 |
017867542 | UK00917867542 |
Click here to see the notice from the UKIPO on trade mark numbering.
In order to identify these re-registered designs and distinguish them from existing UK registered designs, the prefix “9” will be added in front of the original 13-digit RCD number.
The following examples demonstrate how re-registered UK designs will be numbered:
Existing RCD number |
Re-registered UK design number |
004048098-0004 | 90040480980004 |
000000021-0001 | 90000000210001 |
To identify the re-registered rights that will be created to retain coverage in the UK for protected International (EU) designs, the prefix of “8” will be added in front of the original IR (EU) number.
The following examples show how these re-registered UK designs will be numbered:
International (EU) no. (WIPO database) |
International (EU) no. (DesignView) |
Re-registered design no. (UKIPO) |
DM/069 640 | D069640-0001 | 806964000010000 |
DM/069 629 | D069629-0001 | 806962900010000 |
DM/069 629 | D069629-0002 | 806962900020000 |
In the examples shown above, the column headed “International (EU) no. (DesignView)” indicates how the international registration numbers listed in the first column would appear on the EUIPO’s DesignView database. So, in the first example, the suffix “-0001” is a single design. In the second example, the suffix “-0001” is a first design in a multiple application. In the third example, the suffix “-0002” is a second design in a multiple application.
To identify UK rights to be created in respect of International Registrations, the number allocated to the comparable trade mark will have the prefix “UK008” in front of the original 8 characters of the International Trade Mark (EU).
The UKIPO has provided the following examples to demonstrate how comparable UK trade marks will be numbered:
Comparable UK trade mark |
917273 (no sub designation, no partial assignment) | W00917273 | UK00800917273 |
917273A (no sub designation, partial assignment) | W00917273A | UK0080917273A |
1133775 (Sub designation, no partial assignment) | W11133775 | UK00811133775 |
421058A (Sub Designation & partial assignment) | W10421058A | UK0080421058A |
Click here to see the notice from the UKIPO on RCDs, International Designs and International Trade Marks (EU) numbering.
The UKIPO hopes that this numbering system will help keep the administrative burden of Brexit to a minimum.
Below are further Government resources on the impact of Brexit on IP rights:
Intellectual property and the transition period
Changes to EU and international designs and trade mark protection from 1 January 2021
For further information about intellectual property and Brexit, visit our Brexit Resources page or get in touch with a member of our team