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High Court Grabs Gleissner by the Bigly Bad Faith Filing: Make Applications Great Again!

Date: 5 July 2019


In this latest episode of contentious trade mark proceedings involving the notorious Mr Michael Gleissner, the High Court has dismissed an appeal against a UKIPO Hearing Officer’s decision that an application to register the mark “TRUMP TV” had been made in bad faith.


The application had been filed by Mr Gleissner in the name of “Trump International Ltd”, a company with no connection whatsoever with the US President Donald Trump. The mark was opposed by DTTM Operations LLC, a company responsible for handling part of Mr Trump’s trade mark portfolio. As Henry Carr J noted at the start of his judgment, “attempts to register well-known trade marks by parties who have no connection with such marks are a global problem”.


Link to case: Trump International Ltd v DTTM Operations LLC [2019] EWHC 769 (Ch) (29 March 2019)


Our full article was published in the Entertainment Law Review, Issue 6; pages 196 to 199.
